edizione - Executive Master
edizione - Executive Master
From Financial Statements to Planning Systems, Economic and Financial Planning to grow businesses and overcome crisis situations
dal 6 Novembre 2021

Scopri le SEDI e le DATE DISPONIBILI di Partenza del MASTER

| dal 6 Novembre 2021
€ 3.950,00
  • Live streaming:
    Live Streaming
44 lezioni - 22 Week-end
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Scopri le SEDI e le DATE DISPONIBILI di Partenza del MASTER

| dal 6 Novembre 2021
€ 3.950,00
Partnership & Certification
 Master finanza in collaborazione con BDO  Accreditato dal Consiglio Nazionale dei Dotti Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili Accreditato dal Consiglio Nazionale dei Dotti Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili Vincitore Premio AIF Master in amministrazione e finanza primo classificato

Quota di Partecipazione


€ 3.950,00

* Tutti i prezzi sono IVA esclusa

  • 25
    Anni di esperienza
  • +500
    Edizioni Master
  • 150
    Matching con le aziende
  • 300
    Docenti professionisti
  • +90%
    Placement & Stage
  • 25
    Anni di esperienza
  • +500
    Edizioni Master
  • 150
    Matching con le aziende
  • 300
    Docenti professionisti
  • +90%
    Placement & Stage
Sedi e date
Quota di partecipazione
Modalità di ammissione

Scopri le SEDI e le DATE DISPONIBILI di Partenza del MASTER

| dal 6 Novembre 2021
€ 3.950,00

La quota di iscrizione all'intero Master è di € 3.950,00 + iva per la formula in Live Streaming

L’importo può essere corrisposto in un'unica soluzione o in quattro rate mensili (senza interessi).

I moduli/corsi del Master possono essere acquistati anche separatamente e danno diritto ad un attestato di frequenza del modulo/corso.

É anche possibile finanziare la quota di partecipazione tramite SELLA PERSONAL CREDIT (del Gruppo Banca Sella), in 12, 18 o 24(1) rate a INTERESSI ZERO (clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni relative ai Finanziamenti a INTERESSI ZERO).   
(1) 12, 18 o 24 rate mensili a interessi zero, iniziativa NON CUMULABILE con altre promozioni eventualmente in corso.

Cosa apprenderai da questo Executive Master in

  • Modulo 1
  • Modulo 2
  • Modulo 3
  • Modulo 4
  • Modulo 5
  • Modulo 6
  • Modulo 7
  • Modulo 8
  • Modulo 9


To participate in the Master's course it is necessary to fill in the Enrolment form » and send it (online, or by fax: 06.62205436).

MELIUSform reserves the right not to accept candidates whose profiles are not appropriate for the chosen training course. Enrolment applications will be accepted in the order they are received until all places are filled, subject to a suitability assessment.

When we receive your application, we will contact you to:

  • confirm acceptance of your enrolment (for profiles with experience and for those who have already passed the selection process)
  • or arrange an interview to assess the suitability of your profile for the training course (for junior profiles).
  • The suitability assessment is not required for companies wishing to enrol their employees.

We will then send our Enrolment Confirmation Letter (via email or Registered Mail with advice of receipt) approving the admission, confirming suitability for the Master's course and completing the enrolment process, giving information on all administrative aspects, including the participation fee and chosen method of payment.

For any further information you can contact us by phone at 06.62205420 or by writing to: infomaster@meliusform.it


The Master in Finance and Controlling has been attended over the years (since 1997), by over 1,000 participants, including junior figures (recent graduates) and senior figures (professionals) from consulting firms and companies. The course has always been well received based on end-of-course interviews with students. The Master In Finance and Controlling has been prepared by a Scientific Committee with many years of operational and managerial experience in the field. It is regularly updated and differs from more traditional courses in that it tends to focus more on practical actions and exercises. Participants will acquire thorough know-how that can be applied immediately in one's business activities, touching on many aspects of business management in an innovative way, from the economic and financial summary analysis (starting with the analysis of financial indices and cash flows of financial statements) to business planning, focusing on the preparation and drafting of Business Plans and advanced management control systems. Added value of the Course: the numerous Advanced Excel® exercises (making up about 50% of the syllabus), the innovative Strategy Management Models module, Project Work centring on the Business Plan (which will be carried out during the Master's course) and the possibility of making up any classroom absences by watching on-demand video lessons via the exclusive Meliusform e-learning platform. This Master's course has always been held in high regard by client businesses and the professional community (all Finance and Control Master's modules are accredited by the Italian Chartered Accountants National Council, with a total of 144 training credits), who have described it as a course with predominantly practical and operational contents, unrivalled for its innovative nature (receiving the AIF Award 2015), seriousness and expertise of its teaching staff and efforts made by the Placement service, to help students enter the labour market or upgrade their professional profile.

The Master's lessons are held exclusively in Italian.



Master Finanza accreditato Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti ContabiliThe Italian Chartered Accountants National Council (“CNDCEC”), having received the favourable opinion of the Ministry of Justice, has approved the inclusion of MELIUSFORM Business School in the list of Associations entered in the Register and of other subjects authorised to organise “continuing vocational training” (CVT), established pursuant to art. 11, para. 1, of the CVT Regulation. MELIUSFORM is thus authorised to organise classroom training activities at a national level for the benefit of members entered in the Register of Chartered Accountants. This authorisation is valid until 31 December 2025 (unless revoked), marking the conclusion of the current three-year training period.

Attendance of the Executive Master In Corporate Finance & Controlling entitles the student to receive the following Training Credits, since the following training modules/courses forming part of the Master's programme have been accredited (one credit for each hour of training provided):

  • Module/Course “Financial Statements as an information and control tool”: 48 training credits
  • Module/Course “Business Planning & Financial Modelling: from the Business Plan to the assessment of investment projects”: 16 training credits
  • Module/Course “Corporate Treasury and Treasury Management”: 16 training receivables
  • Module/Course “Financial Due Diligence”: 16 training credits
  • Module/Course: “Extraordinary financial transactions and Distressed M&A”: 8 training credits
  • Module/Course “Management Control and Programming Systems”: 40 training credits




Master Finanza accreditato Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti ContabiliThe Italian Chartered Accountants National Council (“CNDCEC”), having received the favourable opinion of the Ministry of Justice, has approved the inclusion of MELIUSFORM Business School in the list of Associations entered in the Register and of other subjects authorised to organise “continuing vocational training” (CVT), established pursuant to art. 11, para. 1, of the CVT Regulation. MELIUSFORM is thus authorised to organise classroom training activities at a national level for the benefit of members entered in the Register of Chartered Accountants. This authorisation is valid until 31 December 2025 (unless revoked), marking the conclusion of the current three-year training period.

Attendance of the Executive Master In Corporate Finance & Controlling entitles the student to receive the following Training Credits, since the following training modules/courses forming part of the Master's programme have been accredited (one credit for each hour of training provided):

  • Module/Course “Financial Statements as an information and control tool”: 48 training credits
  • Module/Course “Business Planning & Financial Modelling: from the Business Plan to the assessment of investment projects”: 16 training credits
  • Module/Course “Corporate Treasury and Treasury Management”: 16 training receivables
  • Module/Course “Financial Due Diligence”: 16 training credits
  • Module/Course: “Extraordinary financial transactions and Distressed M&A”: 8 training credits
  • Module/Course “Management Control and Programming Systems”: 40 training credits


Video news

  • Live Streaming: la formazione on line con l'innovativa piattaforma digitale VLS Meliusform

  • App MyMeliusform: la formazione a portata di click

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Aprile 2020 - Online in Video Live Streaming

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Novembre 2019 – Milano

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Novembre 2019 – Roma

  • MELIUSform Business School - Formazione di alta qualità

  • Desideri una carriera in area Finanza e Controllo?

  • MELIUSform Business School - The Spot

  • Premiazione Project Work dei Master MELIUSform in Finanza e Controllo Ed. 2019 - Roma

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Video news

  • Live Streaming: la formazione on line con l'innovativa piattaforma digitale VLS Meliusform

  • App MyMeliusform: la formazione a portata di click

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Aprile 2020 - Online in Video Live Streaming

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Novembre 2019 – Milano

  • Project Work Area Finanza e Controllo Ed. Novembre 2019 – Roma

  • MELIUSform Business School - Formazione di alta qualità

  • Desideri una carriera in area Finanza e Controllo?

  • MELIUSform Business School - The Spot

  • Premiazione Project Work dei Master MELIUSform in Finanza e Controllo Ed. 2019 - Roma

Applicativi EXCEL® Gratuiti

Applicativi EXCEL® Gratuiti

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Master e corsi ON DEMAND

    Scopri tutti i percorsi On Demand
    Partnership & Certification
     Master finanza in collaborazione con BDO  Accreditato dal Consiglio Nazionale dei Dotti Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili Accreditato dal Consiglio Nazionale dei Dotti Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili Vincitore Premio AIF Master in amministrazione e finanza primo classificato

    Scopri gli altri MASTER e CORSI